While it makes sense to acquire a loan when your cash flow is restricted, plenty of consumers don’t realize they're losing control of their debts until they find themselves over-indebted. While being in the thick of debt can be incredibly stressful, there is a solution that is specifically aimed at consumers who cannot keep up with their financial repayments, known as Debt Counselling.
Debtco Group offers a remarkably effective Debt Counselling service that helps struggling individuals overcome debt. The Debt Review process was introduced by the National Credit Act (NCA) and is done by qualified Debt Counsellors, with National Credit Regulator (NCR) approval. We encourage anyone who is facing debt problems and feeling pressure from their creditors to consider applying. It is simple to do so, by visiting the Debtco Group website and undergoing an affordability assessment with their team, to determine if you qualify.
Recently nominated as part of the top 10 Debt Counsellors in South Africa at the Debt Review Rewards, Debtco Group offers a professional and result-driven service that you can count on. Once a consumer enters Debt Counselling, they are instantly protected from any of the legal actions their creditors could take against them. Another huge benefit to consumers is the ability to focus on their financial goals without distraction. While under Debt Counselling, your creditors may not get in touch with you to demand any late or missed payments. Individuals must be able to complete the process without negative interactions with their creditors.
Debt Counselling offers instant financial relief since a Debt Counsellor will restructure your repayments in such a way that you are no longer spending as much on debt every month. After assessing the debt obligations you face and considering your income and expenses, a Debtco Group Debt Counsellor gets in touch with all of your creditors individually to negotiate lower repayments and interest rates on your behalf. You are then presented with a new monthly payment plan that works for your finances and budget and will be paying back just one single amount every month towards your debts.
Knowing when to take a step back and get help for your debt problems is important. The team at Debtco Group are committed to offering consumers a new financial beginning, free from the burdens of debt. You can visit them at their Cape Town offices or apply for their Debt Counselling service through their website, for tailored solutions to your debt issues. At EZI Finance, we care about your financial well-being and encourage you to find balance in your finances.