Whether you have a low credit score, are struggling to make it through a tight month or need to access an online loan to afford your dream getaway or a special purchase, look no further than EZI Finance. Acquiring an affordable, easy and fast online loan has never been as easy. We offer a range of trusted online loans to South African’s who need professional financial assistance, starting with a simple online loan application.
At EZI Finance, we specialise in Online Loans that include loans for low credit scores, consolidation loans, personal loans, large loans and small loans. Any credit agreement that you enter is done so confidentially and transparently, as we only work with the most reliable credit providers (the biggest banks and financial institutions in South Africa), who are approved by the NCR (National Credit Regulator) – the NCR are responsible for the regulation of South Africa’s credit industry, and make sure all who are registered comply with the National Credit Act.
Our goal is to make online loans easy and accessible, far and wide – don’t spend your valuable time searching for loan providers that you can count on – let our team of experts do it for you! We will make sure you are in good, capable hands from start to end. Apply for your loan online – our loan agencies will not ask you to deposit any money in an account and only work through debit orders for your best interest. When you apply for a loan on our website, we ask that you break down a few necessary details regarding your income, expenses and financial commitments, and also require your permission to do a credit check on your behalf.
We offer struggling consumers financial relief, through Consolidation Loans that can help them to better manage their numerous debt repayments. Our online loans also include personal loans that are large or small – a small loan usually has a shorter repayment plan and lower instalments and interest, while a large loan can be paid back over a longer period of time, and may have higher interest rates. Our team will help you to access a suitable loan, which is carefully considered and is aligned with your affordability and needs.
With us, you come first. Our team at EZI Finance are committed to helping you access online loans without delay and free of worry. Our team of professionals have the expertise to guide you in the right direction. Don’t miss out on exciting opportunities and get left behind when it comes to doing things that require cash. Online Loans are there to help you enjoy life or afford important expenses, and EZI Finance will make sure you are on the right track to borrow money.