When it comes to big expenses which cannot be covered by your monthly salary, Large Loans can make it possible to afford them. Throughout life, most consumers come across times where they need a large amount of money to take an important step in life, like choosing to study or booking an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime vacation. Whether you’replanning a wedding or purchasing modern furniture for your new home, EZI Finance can help you to acquire the Large Loan you need to bring your vision to the forefront.
When you apply for a Large Loan with EZI Finance, you can rest assured that you will receive an effective service to help you achieve your goal. Our loans are easy to apply for – you can apply online by filling in our online loan application form, and can direct any questions you may have to our team by contacting us. If you are worried about being blacklisted, don’t be! We have helped countless South African citizens (even those who have a tainted credit score) and we can help you too. In addition to offering Large Loans, we also specialize in Small Loans, Short Term Loans and Long Term Loans.
Are you wondering how much you can apply for, when you reach out to us online for a Large Loan? Our Large Loans can go up to R 1,000,000 with low interest rates, but you should only apply for the amount you need and can realistically afford to pay back, even though it will be over a period of time. It’s important that you can honour the repayments which form part of your loan agreement, which is why we will first request your permission for a credit check, and also assess your income and expenses. We do grant blacklisted loans (as long as you can afford it), but cannot help you if you have applied for Debt Review, administration, liquidation or sequestration.
Trust EZI Finance to help you access a Large Loan, saving you time and giving you the best solution for your loan requirements. Our connections with the biggest banks and most reputable loan institutes allow us to offer unparalleled services to our clients, giving them what they need when they need it the most. Our processes are kept hassle-free, while the admin and initiation fees associated with your loan are approved by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) of South Africa.
Make the important decisions you need to make with your money, by applying for a Large Loan with us today. Our EZI Finance team take your money needs seriously, as well as your time. You can rely on us for confidentiality and transparency throughout the process, while we help you to access a large loan you can afford to repay.